Basic Info

Goslar is a town in Germany that is known for its old towna and unique house structures. It is very easily accessible from the Hamburg Hauptbanhof train station. Goslar is about 3 hours away and requires one train change.

Daytrip to Goslar - Getting There

The original idea was that the trip to Goslar would be a seamless day trip where we could leave Hamburg early in the morning and reach back in the nightt. We were expecting the journey to take about 2 1/2 hours and only have 2 changes. But when we reached our first stop, we realized the direct train from there had been stopped due to techincal issues. So we technically had to take 3 trains. Anyways, some consolation is that the train ride is truly beautiful and you get to see the fall colors in their true form!

Things to Do

Once we reached Goslar, we started walking in the direction of the Rathaus. Along the way, we were able to see the majority of the city center which has some beautiful German architecture. We stopped by the Mattkirche Goslar St. Cosmas und Damian church. It required payment to go to the top of the church, but the view of the whole city was so worth it! Then, we stopped by a cute bakery that was right next to the church. They offered some German specialities, drinks and even had savory foods. So, we took the opportunity to walk around the city. We visited the Siemenshaus which is a gorgeous building with traditional architecture known as a "half-timbered house".

After this, we walked towards the imperial palace of Goslar. Although we did not go inside, they seemed to be having some sort of exhibition inside. The outside of the building is also beautiful, with a grassy front and a great photo opp. Next, we headed back to the city center to see the special clock. As it chimed at 3, it began a short little mechanical presentation about the significance of mining in Goslar. After this, we decided to head back to the train station as we had to reach Hamburg at a certain time. Along the way, we stopped by an Italian restaurant that had average food. The ride back home was a long one with multiple train delays, making it almost a 5 hour trip back home instead of 2.5! This goes to show that you always have to be prepared for little hiccups when traveling :)